Our deep and diverse talent pool is supported by a collaborative culture where we nurture talent and grow as a community of unique, creative and independent thinkers.
Heavy investment and ongoing development ensures our team members have the best tools possible to succeed.
Our broad range of diversified investment products are distinct yet complementary to one another and solve for a wide range of portfolio needs.
Our macro analysis & research is our critical differentiator, driving our investment philosophy regardless of investment strategy.
We leverage our structuring expertise to optimise the investment outcomes of our research ideas.
Extensive use and continual development of stress testing allows us to examine tail risks and mitigate potential loss scenarios.
Global macro research serves as
the backbone of our investment
We seek to structure convex
trades, where the upside
potential significantly outweighs
the downside.
Our risk management process
focuses on maximising potential
returns while protecting capital
We leverage our global network of independent and
critical thinkers to support our research process.
We encourage information flow and transparency
throughout the firm, maintaining a community of
creative, free-thinking investment professionals where
original and differentiated thought is encouraged, and
views are challenged.
We believe in the power and value of contrarian
thought. Intellectual humility, flexibility and imagination
are critical to long term success.
Risk management is a combination of art and science
that is managed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
We apply a rigorous, and often forensic, focus on detail.
Risk does not act in a silo and is instead integral to each
portfolio manager's investment process and portfolio
construction. Each portfolio manager has a bespoke
risk mandate and a designated risk manager, assigned
to work in close collaboration.
Our proprietary bank of stress tests have been
developed over almost two decades and is
continuously updated. These tools allow us to examine
tail risks and mitigate potential loss scenarios.
+1 703-309-7217
+593 989-375-404
+1 606-431-2330